A sinister looking stranger—streaked with black dirt, smeared with black asphalt— loomed over my sunbathing body on this Greek Island beach. He cast a shadow, forcing me to open my…

A sinister looking stranger—streaked with black dirt, smeared with black asphalt— loomed over my sunbathing body on this Greek Island beach. He cast a shadow, forcing me to open my…
Heather worked as a journalist and then became head of communications for North America for a global company. Her award-winning writing has been published widely over the years in various publications. Heather has published STALKER, a book of her award winning short stories and a collection of their travel adventures. Her second book, SEARCHING FOR MAYA has just been published. Both are available on Amazon. Norm had many years of experience in international project management. He provides the technical aspects of the blogs. They have been blogging since 2018.